Transitioning back into ‘training season’ means high frequency-low intensity. I use this opportunity to work on patterning, and since everything benefits from improved posture/positions, I’m prioritizing my focus into improving how my middle functions.
1. Seated 'X' Pattern
Load ‘sit bones’, but rather than lifting the knee up with squared hips, the focus remains on the ‘sit bones’ and their relation to each other- how to keep them ‘connected’ and loaded. The action is more of a diagonal slide across the seat, creating an ‘x’ pattern together. Load is distributed through the ‘sit bones’ and sacrum in such a way that the action of one side strengthens the other (leverage). The torso might appear to rotate but it remains neutral, moving with the pelvis as it shifts forward/backward. Moving slowly allows the familiarity of what transition feels like.. if it is safe, the system will grant speed without the expense of stability.
2. Seated ISO
Same sentiment as above but in isometric form with arms pressing both down and laterally into the leg.
3. Standing ISO (easier)
Same as above plus emphasizing that the harder the arms press into the leg, the harder it drives the other foot into the ground. Using a bench for the foot takes away the worry of balancing, ensuring better positioning before loading.
4. Standing ISO (more difficult)
Same as above but adding in the worry of balance.
5. Moving ISO (most difficult)
A lot of multi-tasking going on
[My general process over the last week has been; warming-up with soft movement (CNS calming), isolating abdominal patterns (for evaluation/reassessment), tissue release (mainly left internal oblique), CNS calming (breathing/bouncing/light karate chopping the rib cage), and finally back to soft movements and isolated abdominal patterns.. and then using newly accessible posture in familiar movements/exercises and gradually increasing load/complexity to integrate back into the system].
Transition is about reorganization, (prerequisite to reestablishing).
Like everything that I post, movements and progressions are relative-
1. they are relative to self
2. they are relative to each other
Individual/isolated movements offer a smaller and easier 'point' of focus, a chance to examine how one part may interact and integrate with others and subsequently how they fit into the whole. Exercises/movements both easy and complex should enhance understanding of each other.